Mazatec Sierra Retreat
From the 24 to the 30 of June 2018
After many requests from people who tell us to be in difficult economic times, and asking for a better price to be able to participate we have adjusted the logistics of this trip to offer a courtesy that allows it to be accessible, and we decided to make it available for everyone:
Retreat to the Sierra Mazateca as a courtesy is now available at 2x1
Do you want to join, and do you know who you bring?
BUT We have to gather at least five pairs so that the logistics in this remote area of the country to function. Therefore if you are interested in making this trip a reality, or even if you are not interested but you know someone who could benefit from the experience.
Please help us spread the word abut this news and courtesy. For your help THANKS A LOT
The Mazatecs are the second most preserved ethnic group in Mexico, direct descendants of the antique Toltecs, still live based on solid foundations from their ancient lineage. For centuries they have maintained alive shamanic healing ceremonies and the herbalist knowledge to heal and awaken consciousness
This land has brought to the world amazing shamans and healers like Maria Sabina who awakened all the ones who visited her, like Gordon Wasson, Aldous Huxley, Richard Evans Schultes, Timothy Leary, Mick Jagger, John Lennon, Bob Dylan,Jim Morrison, Walt Disney, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Carlos Castaneda, among many other personalities.
For centuries they have kept alive herbalist knowledge, and shamanic healing ceremonies to awaken consciousness.
Toltequity shows how to act carefully based on energy and strategy, consciousness and creativity, to direct the course of life towards a deep, lucid, and creative experience; this proposal is called: The Path With of The Heart.