Jump To The Void

I'm coming out of my third bufo experience On the previous two occasions, I also felt this but it was something so deep and distant that I lost it. Now I came out of the experience with that powerful abstract feeling full of information again, but this time I managed to hold on to it and decipher it. For two days I have tried to find how, translate or land this feeling into words, here my best attempt, even knowing that words don't do justice to such events, that can only be understood through direct experience. Just when Bufo starts and one is taken away by that loving death that turns you into nothing in an instant... When you discover yourself or remember that life is one, and we are all that. Right there is an overwhelming feeling, an absolute frequency, that contains deep information. That feeling took me back to a primitive memory, a perennial, eternal "beginning"... Almost Inconceivable, to that original event when the totality of infinity and eternity has not been manifested ... that is, when nothing exists yet, and it's the essence of life unmanifested, non-existent, invisible, secret, but with the possibility and potential of the whole. Let's call that totality the Spirit, and suddenly in an impulse of unconditional and total love for itself, decides to manifest... jumping from nothingness into absolute emptiness... ...and after this raptured passion the miracle occurs, fire appearing out of nowhere filling everything, surrendering to the void to exist even if only for the instant the leap lasts, to shine wonderfully only for a moment. And be devoured by nothingness forever. Immolated by the purest and ultimate love for the impossible... The absolute event The only and final flight... The definitive act, and with it become fire to burn completely, to become flames, light for an eternal moment. The definitive death of the unmanifested... forever. The total detachment... The definitive explosion, and instead of disintegrating and disappearing forever, the sacred instant of absolute passion never stopped expanding and thus infinity unfolded and gave birth to unstoppable life... The most incredible poem ever imagined. The impossible come true. A never-ending miracle. I have the impression that energy everything is made of remembers, knows, is, that original event. That death, that leap into the void, which is life itself. And what does this have to do with the Bufo experience? I think Bufo connects with the wisdom of the energy that manifests life. This is how bufo invites you to expand into the Spirit in the quantum leap that he gifts you. Bufo's invitation is for you to surrender, to trust, and abandon yourself into the Great Mystery, burn yourself, be fire, become light in the attempt, disappear forever, immolate yourself unconditionally to the love for yourself. Unconditionally forever to life itself, which is what you are. 5MeO-DMT is released by the pineal gland only at birth and death, that is why the Bufo experience leads you to an event of death and rebirth...
The Sun is born only when the night has died...
Searching for Bufo is a heroic and definitive act, surrendering to death in an act of total detachment and unconditional love... And instead of dying and disappearing for good, dying to start living for real...
The very essence of love... the only thing that really exists...
Since that original event is that all life boils nonstop and appears before our eyes in the now, it's the Spirit leaping from the unmanifested, burning, becoming life.
That is ourselves.
We all are the Spirit that jumped into the void just out of love.
To die... to live forever...
And Bufo reminds you.
Mario Gomez Mayorga
Quintana Roo. Nov 2021
(PREVIOUS ) Here is the narrative of the first experience https://www.concienciaindigena.org/single-post/the-god-molecule-the-toad-medicine
Bufo Therapy