Toltec Vision Quest 2020
We hope this new cycle opens all the possibilities your heart is wishing for. Health, success and abundance
to you and all your loved ones
Yearly Pilgrimage March 21 - April 21
One month in Mexico. Five states. Ten Power Places.
4000 kilometers.
The beginning of a new and better life experience!

Our most complete, profound, detailed, and efficient work, designed to deliver the very best practical Toltec techniques and tools to purposefully transcend into a better life and continue day to day.

A journey through special natural, and prehispanic power places, where we explore and work with a series of indigenous practices; sensing exercises, cleansing ceremonies

We will work in ten different power places, in five different states of Mexico. Each area has a unique energy that perfectly suits the kind of work we explore in each place.
We deepen and learn specialized attention and energy techniques, like: sharp stalking, non-doings, acting purposely, the warrior attitude, facing challenges, transcending limits, the freedom quest, etc.
Details, pictures, videos, read testimonials. See the places and know the route.
Toltec Vision Quest Website: We have early bird special discounts!