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The workshops have a cost or are they for free?Hello! Thanks for your question. Our workshops, trips and experiences have a cost. We offer packages that include; hosting, catering, work material, entrances to national parks, vehicles, gas, road tolls, guides, coordinators, etc.
Do you have a branch house or representatives in other countries?Thanks for the interest! We don't have branch houses or representatives. We are located in Mexico. If you have a group, we gladly travel to other countries to impart workshops, or give talks. Feel free to get in touch with us to talk details HERE
Where are your workshops taught?Hello! Each of our workshops, trips, seminars, and experiences happen in different places. We work in beautiful natural places in Mexico and other countries. We generally work in nature in very special areas. But we also have inside work for urban sets as in the case of business teams, seminars, or conferences.
Do you make workshops in Spanish or other languages?¡Hola! ¡Claro que si! We work both in Spanish and English indistinctly, sometimes we make bilingual workshops like when we have mixed groups. When there is a group in a language that is not of our domain we work with a translator. Please contact us if you need further details HERE
What´s the price of your workshops and trips?Greetings! Each of our workshops or trips has different logistics, content, and length, therefore prices vary. Please get in touch with us for information on the workshop of your interest. See our workshops HERE
Our couple relationship is in a crisis, can you help us?"Thanks for the trust, yes, we have specialized work to explore, heal, and restructure a relationship. This only possible if both parts are interested in working each one, and both together. You can read further details HERE
Do you have workshops for children or teens?Hi! We do make workshops for children and teens between 8 and 16 years old. Only under request and always with the presence of a parent, tutor or grown up family member. If you are interested please see further details HERE
Why do you charge for knowledge? This should be free!Greetings. Thanks for your question and concern. We don't "charge for knowledge", neither we sell it. Our workshops have a cost because we offer packages that include; hosting, catering, work material, entrances to national parks, transportation, gas, road tolls, guides, coordinators, etc. Nothing is knowledge unless it's understood. We provide the tools, techniques, and the space to work, but you have to make the efforts, and go through experiences to understand. Therefore knowledge is not exactly free, but you pay for it though your experiences and effort to earn it. Best regards!
My economy is bad, I need the workshop, can you give me a scholarship?"Hello. Sorry to hear that you are struggling. Thanks for your interest in a discount or scholarship. We don´t have sponsors that fund us as to offer scholarships. But since it is a common request, to be able to offer discounts, scholarships, or even profits, we have created what we call: Self-Sponsorship As we all know, a scholarship is given to someone who is somehow outstanding but needs support. The effort that made them outstanding is what "pays" to deserve it. Our invitation is to a special effort that you can easily make to become a creditor of such support. You can decide how much discount you want, or get a full scholarship and even cash gains. The deal is as follows: For each person you invite and register for the workshop or trip of your interest, you will get a 10% discount. For example: five people represent a 50% discount. If you register ten people, you get a full scholarship. Earnings: If you register more than ten people, for each person you register you receive a 10% commission in cash of the total cost of the workshop or trip. This way you can even make interesting earnings by helping people grow. In this fashion you decide how much effort you want to make in exchange for paying less, not paying anything, or even have earnings. It is an effort of a warrior that strengthens, improves and confirms your will to grow. I have no doubt that during the workshop you will find tools, to create new ways to improve your economy, and life quality in general. If you are interested in this option, get in touch HERE
Are you shamans or indigenous people?Greetings Even when what we teach is based on indigenous knowledge, shamanic techniques and practices, as well as vanguard psychology, it would be unethical and false to present ourselves as shamans. Shamans are not what these days fashion has spread, neither people outside of an indigenous nation needs one to grow, understand, or heal. In any case, we see ourselves as coordinators of a series of techniques, practices and procedures to investigate and deepen on the self, to be able to grow and transcend oneself. Our function is a support for those who come to work with us in the quest to be responsible for oneself, to be free, and not to depend of the beloved guide, guru or magical being to walk. We are not indigenous people either, we have lived, participated, for more than three decades we have been in relationship with indigenous nations, and their rituals, ceremonies, fiestas, everyday life, challenges, etc. from them we have learned many of the things we transmit. That's all. If you need a shaman it is your own consciousness, we invite you to explore it and rescue it. If you find it its private and a secret for personal growth. Never dare to go bragging around that you are a shaman, because then you become a clown. Cheers!
I need help. Can you heal me?Hello, thanks for the trust in your question. Even when we have witnessed people who has arrived ill and has healed from different aliments, during the months or years they have worked with us, solving their health from "light" issues to delicate and severe or terminal problems, and even when we provide tools, and techniques of shamanic origins to work on the self, past, energy, mind, attention, and some functional medicine knowledge, we do not heal anyone. It is the person that worked for many years making something out of balance who managed to to sicken by living like that. Only the one who has the power to get ill, has in its hands the same power needed to find balance again. To rewind back to a healthy state. We have only been witnesses of the love some people have for themselves to work, let go, forgive, detach, change habits and understand as much, and as deep as needed to live in a new way that returns them to the harmonious balance of health. We can only provide you with tools, and ways to work on yourself, we can also support and coach your process, but only you can create the magic of your healing, If that works for you, we can work with you.
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