Kambo treatment effects on the physical body include mechanisms to boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, increase pain tolerance, ease symptoms of withdrawal, aid depression, anxiety, and PTSD, heal the gut, protect cellular division, and combat cancer, ridding the body of the toxins that commonly foster these problems and producing spiritual/emotional healing through the process.
Full Therapy
3 Days, one sesion per day.
Singe session:
2 hours
Get in touch to check availability and schedule dates for your appointment.
Tulum, Quintana Roo. Mexico

Kambo is a traditional healing ritual conducted in numerous South American countries.
The medicine comes from the skin secretion of the Giant Monkey Tree Frog (Phyllomedusa bicolor), which resides deep in the jungles of the Amazon River Basin and holds a rich history of usage in indigenous Amazonian cultures. Renowned for its detoxifying properties, Kambo has the potential to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Indigenous people have used Kambo for centuries to heal and cleanse the body by strengthening its natural defenses and warding off bad luck. It was also believed to increase stamina and hunting skills. Today, shamans and naturopathic practitioners still use it for cleansing the body of toxins and treating numerous health conditions. Despite a lack of extensive research, proponents of Kambo believe it can help with a range of conditions, including addiction, Alzheimer’s disease, anxiety, cancer, chronic pain, depression, diabetes, hepatitis, HIV and AIDS, infections, infertility, rheumatism, and vascular conditions.
The effects of Kambo typically involve a purging and cleansing experience, coupled with heightened physical and mental energy. It is commonly utilized for detoxification, enhancing the immune system, and alleviating various ailments.
Kambo ceremonies create a space for personal growth, emotional healing, and spiritual insights. Kambo lacks psychoactive properties and relies solely on its purgative and healing effects. Nevertheless, this experience involves personal growth and self-discovery, serving as a pathway to consciousness and spirituality.
Preparation: Prior to the ceremony, participants typically fast and hydrate to prepare their bodies for the intense experience.
Kambo is topically applied over superficial burns, known as "gates," created in the uppermost level of the epidermis. This allows the peptides to enter directly into the lymphatic system. Shortly after the application, the primary bioactive peptide induces an artificial fever, followed swiftly by an intense purge, typically vomiting. This process activates the bowels, liver, kidneys, and lymph, facilitating a comprehensive detoxification of the entire body. Meanwhile, the other active peptides work to reset and heal the brain and body in general.
The effects of Kambo are typically felt within minutes. These can include:
Increased heart rate
Nausea and vomiting
Swelling in the face and extremities
A sense of warmth or tingling
The intense phase usually lasts 15-30 minutes, followed by a recovery period where participants may feel tired but often report a sense of clarity and well-being.
The active biomedical compounds in Kambo create a potent cocktail of peptides, each targeting different areas of the body for physical and emotional cleansing.
Bioactive Peptides: Kambo contains a variety of bioactive peptides that interact with the body's systems. These peptides include:
Phyllokinin: Known for its vasodilatory effects, which can help improve circulation and nutrient delivery to cells.
Dermorphin and deltorphin: These are potent opioid peptides that can have pain-relieving effects and influence mood.
Adenoregulin: This peptide interacts with the adenosine receptors, which play a role in energy transfer and cellular communication.
Immune System Boost:
Kambo is believed to stimulate the immune system, potentially leading to improved ability to fight infections and remove toxins.
Purging Effect:
The application of Kambo can induce intense purging (vomiting and sometimes diarrhea), which is thought to help the body expel physical and energetic toxins.
Hormonal Balance:
Some peptides in Kambo are thought to interact with hormones and neurotransmitters, potentially leading to a balancing effect on the endocrine system.
The purging effect is believed to help eliminate physical toxins from the body.
Immune Support:
Kambo may boost the immune system, helping to ward off illness and improve overall health.
Mental Clarity:
Many users report enhanced mental clarity and emotional balance after a Kambo session.
Pain Relief:
Due to the opioid peptides, some people experience pain relief following a Kambo application.
Kambo should only be administered by a trained and experienced practitioner. Incorrect application can lead to adverse effects.
Health Conditions:
People with certain health conditions (e.g., heart issues, severe mental health disorders) should avoid Kambo.
Adequate hydration is crucial before and after a Kambo session to help manage the intense purging and avoid dehydration.
Participants should plan for a period of rest and recovery after a Kambo session.
An outstanding complementary or preparatory ritual for a psychedelic journey or healing, Kambo opens the physical, mental, and energetic channels of the body to emotional and physical detoxification. It serves as an excellent method to release any unconsciously held negative energy and to open oneself to emotional clarity. It is an ideal preparation for Bufo or Ibogaine.
Kambo is a potent traditional medicine that can offer profound detoxification and healing benefits when used appropriately. It is essential to approach Kambo with respect, proper preparation, and under the guidance of a knowledgeable practitioner to ensure a safe and beneficial experience.