This introductory workshop work is proposal to work on oneself. Experience in person practical ways to apply Toltec tools in everyday life.
This antique inheritance is a profound knowledge that can be applied for the betterment of any person's life.
This knowledge is still alive today as a way of living practiced in the most preserved ethnic groups of Mexico.
No Date Yet
Duration: 7 Days
Experiential Live Workshop:
Palenque, Chiapas. Mexico
Registration Deadline:
No Date Yet
Space is limited to: 20 people
The techniques learned during the workshop are shamanic practices,
that aim to free and awaken the participant's consciousness.
It is also a proposal for spiritual growth inviting to recover lost consciousness, and to awaken parts that are still asleep. To rescue the true magical nature of oneself, and deepen our relationship with the being that unconditionally gives us food, home and love; The Earth.
Self exploration through procedures, tools, and ways rooted among indigenous nations survivals from the antique Toltecs.
This knowledge, is a conglomerate of techniques practices, and procedures. Actions that bring growth and understanding; -know how- to create a balanced, positive and healthy way of living.
The workshop offers a series of methods that allow the opportunity to modify your habits, to be able to change routines, and this way to re-invent yourself based on your own consciousness.
A possibility to stop living permanently locked in the mechanical routine of the ego. Create the person your heart really wishes to be, by knowing how to apply strategic acts on purpose to change the course of life.
It is also the opportunity to rescue forgotten parts of the unlimited human potential, like: inner balance, attention, focus, lucidity, recover creativity, re-arrange personal power to optimal conditions, among other things that can be done. In synthesis it is an intense experience that leads to the comprehension of areas of oneself though direct experience, knowing and applying different ways to work in the mind, feelings, and consciousness.
Everything that exists is energy: this measure is unique, universal and absolute.
You are a conscious energy field; as all life manifestations are. You are not an ego.
This proposal of inner development leads to the comprehension of your reality as a conscious unity; as an energy field, and the way you use your personal energy to live. It gives you the possibility to figure out how much energy you have, how to save it, and how to re-direct it, to create a better and more harmonious energetic level, a more awakened consciousness, and therefore a healthier person with a better life quality. To understand that energy goes to where attention goes, so we direct it carefully.
One of the magical aspects of indigenous nations is their relationship with Nature and the "Poderios" (the conscious powers that create the world, with the spirit of life) In the workshop we transmit the procedures to rescue the relation of our Spirit, with the intelligent forces of life; to recover our true nature of magical beings, and decide how we want to be and live, instead of being trapped in the social conditioning imposed by society, and be run over by accidental events. Learn to manifest on purpose the life you want, instead of living accidental or "random events" (Consequences) not knowing why.
The invitation is to create and give, instead of consuming to take.
The ego, its origins and it's possible de breakdown.
Personal power, use, saving, and energy redirection.
The magic of attention; deep self observation; stalking.
Personal non-doings, acting on purpose.
Movement and actions as a form of knowledge.
The path of the warrior.
Consciousness of death. Death as an advisor and counselor.
Relationship with the conscious powers of life "Poderios".
Personal relationships healing and sanitizing.
Awaken creativity and apply it to invent better and healthier way to live.
Improve your economy and intent to live in abundance.
Re-invent yourself, and manifest it with purposeful actions.
Recover inner balance.
Connections with Nature and Mother Earth.