Ines Fraile

"We all know that life is unique, we do not know the time of our departure from this Earth...
What if we had the opportunity to experience something really different, to know more, to acquire tools that can help us until the moment we leve, all while learning to look and feel nature as we have never done before?
What if you dare to explore yourself and discover yourself in people who are there with you as mirrors, as loving travel companions?
Mario and Rocio´s workshops are profound experiences of abundance, they are revealing and intense.
You really want to see how far you can go? you would be surprised to see everything you're capable of?
You want to experience the magic of being alive here and now? I don´t know a more direct and profound way that the workshops of Con Ciencia Indigena.
I did workshops with Mario and Rocío several years ago, and since then there is not a single day I don´t thank them for all I discovered.
My life was never the same anymore and the experience with them remains with me and gives me strength every day.
If you really want to meet yourself, and leave behind things that no longer serve you, and do not know how to get rid of them, do not hesitate to experience this adventure to places you never thought you would know about yourself.
Take advantage of the knowledge and preparation of these people that with all their love will help you to realize that you're magic!
Explore, vibrate, look, feel, and discover what it really is to be alive!
Con Ciencia Indigena is something unique and wonderful, it is a great gift that will certainly make us more awakened beings!
Take this gift that will stay with you as one of the most beautiful things you´ll ever experienced! (I'm not exaggerating: is is like so!)".
- Ines Vicentin
Lucas Loschi

"Many years ago I was involved in Mario and Rocío´s workshops which they have been doing for many more years yet.
It is one of the few times in my life that are here to stay. My work and the work made by me and those who shared the workshop were beautiful and hard.
I remember it as a time of great magic and much awakening.
From that time until now (more than ten years have passed by), my life has changed a lot, and it is not always easy to recognize which aspects or behaviors I still keep from all I learned from Toltequity. I can say it changed my life, and my way. I was able to get rid of the weight I carried and now I walk in a lighter way,
I enjoy more the moments and observe my surroundings better.
From all that I lived in the workshops, I can highlight one of the quests: to overcome personal importance.
I'm not saying that I'm over my need to consider myself important, but if I've come a long way.
Sometimes when I talk to my friends or family, there is confusion on this issue;
"But if you're very important,"
"How do you think you're not important? For the future of your life no one is more important."
In this way, I agree with them.
Said this way there is no one more important than me, if my life speak. But it does not go that way; Self-importance is a feeling that slows us down as we put obstacles in the way, and makes us feel in ways that don´t help us, and, paradoxically, when we give credit to our personal importance, we are not valuing our life, which is unique and unrepeatable.
Reducing self-importance, or at least to identify it, helps me every day when I have to face a situation that is not as I expected it to be (Isn't life like that?
It helps me not get upset by everything that is not like I expected, it helps me understand people who have different life experiences than mine, it helps me stop debilitating with impulsive reactions, and to make decisions that help me walk on whatever is going on, and to learn from it. It also, helps me to keep the focus on what really matters, and not to waste energy on speculation, anger or stubbornness.
It is a magical tool when facing situations of crisis or emergency as it is helpful in reducing the mists of some feelings that do not benefit us.
The truth is that here I am here writing my experience, and I find it very difficult to express something so magical and infinite such as knowing the self, with self observation and treating oneself with love.
Con Ciencia Indigena´s workshops are intense and revealing.
What is discovered there lays in each one but worth the walk it.
Or rather say, it is a joy.
Bear hugs."
- Lucas Loschi
Jacinthe Trudel
Paris, France

"It's more than ten years ago that I was in the workshops with Mario and Rocio, and what I learned helps and guides me still, everyday.
I have to say that it is the most beautiful present I made to myself in my entire life!
Thanks to these activities, I learned to enjoy life, to understand that I have the power over myself and my ego, to feel connected to nature, to Earth.
To go forward despite of fear, to trust myself, others, and life in general.... these are the keys I now have, and that give me wings.
From then on, I cannot let myself go into bad feelings, I cannot remain in a state of dissatisfaction. Because I learned to chose the good, and stay on the light side. And I learned how to drive the strength I have, to fight against fear... so that my decisions get fulfilled.
That's how they made a warrior out of me.
Thousand times thank you Mario and Rocio! With your guidance, I became who I am; a woman looking at magic, and living a life full of marvel!
In front of every obstacle, I always imagine you giving me a hand, so that I don´t fall. And I remain grateful standing on earth. In front of every good surprise, I see you proud!
Unfortunately on the planet there' s a lot of human beings that are very disrespectful and disconnected, but there are also those who are great, luminous, and good... Mario and Rocio are that kind. How fortunate we are that they are accessible, and open to share with us the knowledge they have!
Still thanks for all the love, sorcerers!
Thanks for all the good in every human being!"
- Jacinthe Trudel.
Quebec, Canada 2016
En Français:
"Cela fait maintenant plus de 10 ans que je vécus ses ateliers avec Mario et Rosio. Et ce que j'y appris m'aide et me guide encore aujourd'hui, tous les jours. Je dois d'ailleurs dire que m'offrir ces ateliers est le plus beau cadeau que je me suis offert de ma vie!
Grâce à ces activités, j'ai appris à apprécier la vie, a comprendre que j'ai le pouvoir sur moi-même et mon égo, à me sentir connectée à la nature, à la terre. Pouvoir aller au delà de ma peur, avoir confiance en moi, en les autres et en la vie en général sont maintenant des clés que je détiens, et qui me donnent des ailes....
Désormais, je ne peux plus me laisser aller dans des mauvais sentiments, je ne peux plus rester dans un état d'insatisfaction.....parce que j'ai appris à choisir le bien, et j'ai aussi appris à manier la force que j'ai en moi, celle qui fait que mes décisions se réalisent. Ainsi, ils ont fait de moi une guerrière.
Mille fois merci Mario et Rosio, grâce à votre guidance je suis devenu celle que je suis, une femme quit voit la magie, qui vit ainsi une vie remplie de merveilleux.
En face de chaque obstacles, je vous imagine toujours me tendant la main, afin que je ne tombe pas. Et ainsi je reste, reconnaissante, sur la terre. En face de chaque belles surprises je les vois aussi, fiers.
Sur la terre, il y a malheureusement beaucoup trop d'être humains qui soit irrespectueux et déconnectés. Mais il y en a aussi qui sont très grands, lumineux, Mario et Rocio sont de ceux-là. Quelle chance nous avons qu'ils soient accessibles, et prêts à nous partager leur connaissances.
Merci encore, pour tout cet amour, brujos ;) merci pour le bien de tous les êtres humains!"
- Jacinthe Trudel
Québec, Canada
Maite Vidales
Barcelona, Spain

"My name is Maite Vidales Benítez, I'm from Pachamama, I was born in Barcelona and now I'm 42 years old.
It is difficult to explain what I lived 16 years ago in a magical place called Palenque in Chiapas, Mexico, but I am going to try it.
I was traveling alone, a sabbatical year and after visiting several pyramids and cities in Mexico I arrived to Palenque, I went for 3 days and I stayed 3 months, what I lived there, changed my inner being.
One night I saw people doing a dance around the fire, I love to dance so I asked, can I? A man approached me and in a low voice told me, it's a workshop you can not, but in 3 days we will do another. I kept looking and thought, a workshop? I'm going to stay and I will do it. I don't believe in the casualties but in causations and I stayed to do the workshop, it was 5 days.
The workshop was called the Jump to the Abyss. It was a workshop of feeling, of awakening consciousness, which we have asleep. The exercises were so simple and magical at the same time. I remember perfectly feeling the Pachamama, walking barefoot and blindfolded, how wonderful, how attentive we were to what we were treading on, how a small river looked like a waterfall, how every detail was special, valued and loved. There were several exercises, simple exercises but all full of spiritual teaching, values, trying to eliminate the ego...
An experience that I certainly believe we should all go through in life, because of that I am filled with wisdom, sensitivity, and connection with the earth, the love of nature, animals, and the whole planet.
Thanks Mario and Rocío, because every day I remember you and 16 years have passed, because what one learns well is forever, and I lived something really unique and special. Thank you for helping people wake up, feel, value and live intensely every day as if it were the last of our lives.
Thanks with all my heart."
- Maite Vidales
Barcelona, Spain