
Con Ciencia Indigena
Oct 26, 2018
The Peyote People: Interview with Mario Gómez Mayorga on Huichol Plant Medicine Traditions
Interviews | In Psychedelic Times (THIRD AND LAST PART OF THE INTERVIEW) In our final conversation with Mario Gómez Mayorga, founder of...

Con Ciencia Indigena
Oct 23, 2018
Integrating Huichol and Mazatec Wisdom Without Doing Harm Interview with Mario Gómez Mayorga
Interviews | In Psychedelic Times (SECOND PART OF THE INTERVIEW) The eagle and condor prophecy is an ancient First Nations tale from...

Con Ciencia Indigena
Oct 19, 2018
The Origin Story of Con Ciencia Indígena: Interview with Mario Gómez Mayorga
Interviews | In Psychedelic Times (FIRST PART OF THE INTERVIEW) Con Ciencia Indígena is an organization in Mexico that provides workshops...